Hybrid therapy, which combines HIFU and RF, is effective for treating sagging and tightening facial contours. This treatment is particularly popular with patients seeking a non-surgical treatment option, as it causes little pain or side effects.
In this article, we will explain the method and effects of the HIFU and RF hybrid therapy.
Basic mechanism of HIFU and RF (03:30-)

HIFU irradiates ultrasound to a specific depth to tighten the epidermis and subcutaneous tissue thermally. It is particularly effective for tightening in the horizontal direction, and can be expected to improve sagging and loose facial contours.
On the other hand, RF is a treatment that applies heat vertically using high-frequency energy. By combining these two techniques, more comprehensive tightening effects can be expected.
Treatment Plan to Meet Patient Needs (00:41-)

In cosmetic medicine, it is important to provide treatment that responds to the patient’s main complaint. A common concern is sagging skin, and many patients want an image of being pulled up diagonally.
Doctors may first consider surgical treatments such as thread lifts and hyaluronic acid injections, but recently, increasing numbers of patients prefer treatments using devices that cause less pain and side effects.
When treating, it is important to adopt an effective method to tighten in the direction the patient desires. Combining HIFU and RF is attracting attention as a treatment method that offers a good balance of immediate and lasting results.
Cases of Combination Treatment with HIFU+RF (03:56-)

Case of a female in her 40s. Her main concerns were the nasolabial folds and sagging skin around the mouth. HIFU was used with 4.5mm and 3.0mm dots, and RF was used to tighten the skin around the mouth.
After one month of follow-up, her face looked more defined and the nasolabial folds had improved. She was also very satisfied with the results, saying that her face looked smaller.

Case of a female in her 30s. Her main concerns were sagging and slight slackness of the mouth area. HIFU focused on linear tightening, and 400 RF shots were applied.
The area above the nasolabial folds has tightened up and the facial contours are clearer. She was asked if she had lost weight by her friends, making her very satisfied with the results.
Difference Between HIFU and RF (09:09-)

HIFU delivers heat energy concentrated to a set depth, effectively tightening the skin in a specific area. By heating the target layer deep within the skin and contracting SMAS and the subcutaneous fat layer, a lifting effect can be felt.
In contrast, RF has the property of transmitting heat evenly over a wide area. By acting on the epidermis and dermis to promote collagen production, immediate tightening and skin quality improvement effects can be expected.
There are two types of RF: Joule heating and dielectric heating, with each having a different method of heat generation and range of effect.
Joule heating creates heat through the resistance of an electric current, and can transmit heat to deep layers. Dielectric heating uses high-frequency electromagnetic waves to vibrate molecules and creates heat through friction, and is effective on surface layers.
Why Combine HIFU and RF? (16:11-)

HIFU works on the deeper layers of the skin, and is very effective for lifting and firming the facial contours. However, it is not good at working on the shallow layers of the skin or on a wide area.
Meanwhile, RF delivers heat to the shallow layers or over a wide area, leading to immediate tightening and skin texture improvement. By combining HIFU and RF, broad approaches are possible from shallow to deep layers.
Further, RF’s heat effect on the epidermis is expected to have a synergistic effect of further promoting collagen production by HIFU, resulting in even better treatment results.
Summary (22:30-)
In order to increase patient satisfaction, treatment plans tailored to their needs and treatment methods considering the risks such as pain and side effects are essential.
Combined treatment of HIFU and RF acts on all layers of the skin, providing visible results for sagging skin. Because no scalpels or needles are used, those who are hesitant about cosmetic treatments can also receive them with ease.
By combining the two treatments, we will be able to provide cosmetic treatments that satisfy many patients.