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The Potential of Combination Therapy - The Future of Beautiful Skin Led by HIFU and Bipolar RF

Sawako Katakami

Sawako Clinic

Sawako Katakami

  • HIFU
  • RF

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The Potential of Combination Therapy – The Future of Beautiful Skin Led by HIFU and Bipolar RF

Recently, a combination of HIFU and bipolar RF has been attracting attention as a new non-surgical cosmetic treatment. By combining these two technologies, you can expect to see improvements in sagging and skin texture.

In this article, we will explain in detail the effects and mechanisms of combination therapy.

Introduction of ULTRAcel[zi:] and POTENZA (02:35-)

HIFU is a technology that tightens skin tissue by focusing ultrasound to a specific depth for heat accumulation. It promotes collagen production and is expected to have a skin tightening effect.

The new ULTRAcel [zi:] model allows for linear irradiation, making treatment smoother and more efficient.

Linear irradiation can heat a wider area than dot irradiation, so it can be used to address overall sagging. The pain is reduced by the uniform heat transfer over a wide area.

If the irradiation area is narrow, Dot Mode is suitable for use, but Linear Mode is appropriate if the SMAS fascia is to be evenly irradiated.

On the other hand, POTENZA, which was initially released as the needle RF “INTRAcel” for the treatment of acne scars and pores, has evolved even further as new POTENZA with Pumping Tip.

Pumping Tip features needle insertion along with negative pressure into the treatment area after medication is set. RF flows right after insertion, and as soon as the needle is removed, medication is introduced uniformly, resulting in an even and clean skin surface.

Diamond Tip, meanwhile, simultaneously irradiates “monopolar RF” to deeper layers and “bipolar RF” to shallower layers. As it does not use needles, it is also characterized by its low pain and side effects.

DDR Tip used in this verification promotes skin tightening using bipolar RF. It is also effective in improving skin texture by heating the shallow layer of the skin and stimulating collagen production in the dermis.

Test Results of Combination Therapy(08:45~)

As a test, we performed a combination treatment using HIFU and bipolar RF 3 times in total, once a month. We did it in the order of HIFU first, then DDR Tip. This is because the treatment basically should be carried out from the deep layers and we considered that the thermal effect of RF could enhance that of HIFU.

Of the 15 patients who underwent this treatment, most noticed a reduction in facial volume and an improvement in redness. Specifically, we have confirmed that HIFU’s fat reduction effect reduces tissue volume.

The effect of the bipolar RF on improving redness is also remarkable, and the skin tone has improved.

Mechanism of the Treatment and its Clinical Significance (12:44-)

The fat reduction effect of HIFU is achieved by promoting apoptosis (natural cell death) and autophagy (a process that degrades unnecessary substances in the cell) in adipocytes. New research results have confirmed this mechanism, which is of great clinical importance.

Further, the combination of HIFU and bipolar RF inhibits angiogenesis. There is also potential for its application in the treatment of rosacea and other skin inflammations, and it has been found that RF is effective for mild redness.


Treatment combining HIFU and bipolar RF can be expected to improve skin laxity and enhance skin texture. Patients can experience volume reduction and skin tightening while reducing pain.

Going forward, we need to establish even safer treatment methods through clinical studies.