Thank you for visiting the website of Jeisys Medical Japan. Collagen in the body decreases with age, and skin loses its elasticity and moisture. If left untreated, skin begins to sag. But it is difficult to care for yourself with lotions and serums sold in stores. Lax skin gives the impression of aging, which can be a complex problem. “HIFU” improves these skin problems. In this issue, Dr. Hiroko Sugino, Director of Aoyama Eluclinic, will introduce HIFU treatment using ULTRAcel [zi:].
History of ULTRACel (02:09~)

The first UltraCel was introduced in 2014; integrated HIFU, radiofrequency, and needle RF in a one unit. It uses All Layered Therapy, which can treat 3 layers at once, applying thermal energy to SMAS, hypodermal fat, and dermis layers. HIFU and RF can also be performed simultaneously.
The 2nd gen ULTRAcel Q+ was released in 2018 as a dedicated HIFU device, much faster irradiation speeds to date. Initially, dot irradiation cartridge was only offered, but a linear irradiation cartridge, Linear Calm, was later added. Linear irradiation allows for subcutaneous fat reduction and skin treatment.
The 3rd gen ULTRAcel [zi:] even faster irradiation speeds and shorter treatment times; simplified component management with the ability to switch modes and depths with a single cartridge.
Principle of HIFU (03:23~)

The “U” in HIFU is for ultrasound, which is linear when an interference phenomenon occurs. The concave shaped transducers focus the ultrasound waves on a point. The focused skin tissue is vibrated by the powerful ultrasound which produces heat. This stimulate collagen contraction and production.

Dot and Linear are 2 types of ULTRAcel [zi:] cartridges. Dot apply heat in a line of dots, which promotes collagen denaturation and renewal. Collagen contraction occurs in the direction of aligned dots, resulting in a lifting effect. Tightening can also be expected when each layer is irradiated. Linear irradiates tissue in an integrated manner. It has lower temperature than Dot, can reduce adipose tissue and contouring.
Features of ULTRAcel [zi:] (04:53~)

ULTRAcel [zi:] provides efficient Dot and Linear irradiation. To achieve a three-dimensional facial rejuvenation, specific heat must be applied to each layer of the face. It is characterized by its ability to switch irradiation depth and irradiation modes with a single cartridge.

4 cartridges are available, including those for the face and body. Depth of focus can be adjusted in 0.5mm increments, 5mm or more should be used for the body.
Dr. Sugino’s Treatment Method(06:12~)

We offer HIFU treatments from the original ULTRAcel, ULTRAcel Q+, and ULTRAcel [zi:]. We mainly use it for combination treatments of dot irradiation for lifting and bulk heating for tightening.

We irradiate a total of 1,000 lines; 500 lines with dots (4.5 mm, 3 mm, and 1.5 mm) and 500 lines with linear.In areas with large amount of subcutaneous fat, we apply both dots and linear together as a weight loss treatment. Please watch the video to see a case study of ULTRAcel. Contouring with HIFU (10:24~) Recent publications on the effects of HIFU on subcutaneous adipose tissue have attracted attention as a new treatment for contouring.
Decrease in subcutaneous fat volume

It has long been known that necrosis of fat cells with HIFU causes a subcutaneous fat reduction. But studies using rats have shown that subcutaneous fat thickness is reduced even when HIFU causes no cell necrosis. This study found that HIFU heat increases mitochondrial and nuclear p53 expression and cell apoptosis and autophagy.
Subcutaneous fat gain

Inflammatory cytokines increase with aging, and the cilia of adipose-derived stem cells shorten. However, with low-intensity HIFU irradiation, heat shock proteins increase and inflammatory cytokines decrease. Heat shock proteins were found to increase the thickness of subcutaneous fat by regulating the length of cilia in adipose stem cells.
Side effects to be aware of and their causes (13:55~)

The Consumer Affairs Agency warns of HIFU procedures performed at beauty salons. The symptoms caused by the procedure are as follows:
The Consumer Affairs Agency warns of HIFU procedures performed at beauty salons. The symptoms caused by the procedure are as follows:
・Acute cataract
・Skin damage
・Nerve damage (facial paralysis, numbness)
To avoid side effects, the procedure must be done by physicians familiar with HIFU heating mechanism and facial anatomy. Must also be aware which skin structures and depths will be irradiated during the procedure and to keep the probe in the correct position. Patient’s reaction, skin temperature, and color tone must also be noted. Please watch the video for a detailed explanation of cases and causes of side effects.