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The popularity of HIFU is growing, and while it is easy to receive, patients need multiple therapies before they feel effects.Appropriate treatment explanations must be provided to ensure full patient satisfaction.
In this issue, Dr. Sawako Katagami, Director of Sawako Plastic Surgery Clinic, shows counseling methods for sagging skin treatment with the new HIFU device ULTRAcel [zi:]. This will be a great help for sagging treatment counseling.
Counseling for sagging treatment (1:29~)

Counseling for sagging treatment requires a precise treatment plan for each patient.
Various sagging treatments exist,including HIFU, RF, and far-infrared radiation for mechanical systems, hyaluronic acid and botulinum toxin lifts for injections, and threading and surgery for others.
Explaining all treatment options takes too much time. Excessive information confuses the patient, so physicians are better served by focusing their suggestions for treatment options.
Use of Preliminary Questionnaire (2:35-)

Our clinic utilizes a preliminary questionnaire prior to consultation for sagging skin treatment. Knowing the patient’s treatment history and other background information facilitates our treatment proposals.
Be wary of patients with many prior treatments or clinic visits who write in questionnaires complaining about the effectiveness of treatment.
Question 8) helps us estimate for how far the patient is willing to trust us with their treatment. Their answers can help us know if the patient wants treatment only this time or if we can take the time to propose a total treatment.
Counseling (3:55~)
Case 1: Ms. A, Young age, no noticeable sagging.

Ms. A came to us learning about HIFU through SNS. I told her she did not need HIFU therapy right now and acne treatment suited her.
Case 2: Ms B, Expecting preventive care as she ages (5:38-)

Ms. B has regularly had skin treatments and has some experience with HIFU. I told her that the new HIFU device ULTRAcel[zi:] is suitable for her and suggested that she undergo its treatment regularly to prevent sagging.
Case 3: Ms. C, with little knowledge and experience in sagging treatment (7:35-)

I looked in the mirror with her to see areas of concern on her face. After explaining the surgery and thread lift which can give clear results, I suggested a machine-based treatment.
Although HIFU treatment has little downtime, patients may have various concerns. It is essential to explain in detail what the ULTRAcel [zi:] machine is and how many treatments are required.
Counseling Summary (11:10~)
It is very risky to easily suggest only ULTRAcel [zi:] to patients who come to us with excessive expectations. We explain ULTRAcel [zi:] only to patients who don’t want to undergo thread or surgical treatment now, and who want to tighten their skin, knowing that it will take some time.
Use of Consent Form (11:33-)

We always use consent forms for highly important explanations such as treatment frequency, costs, side effects, etc. This is to avoid forgetting important explanations in the busy schedule with many patients to attend to.We add the following explanations so that the act of signing a consent form does not feel meaningless to the patient.
【For patients with advanced sagging】
Thread lift is effective for subcutaneous tissue that cannot be lifted with ULTRAcel [zi:] alone.
【For patients with moderate sagging】
If you find yourself satisfied with ULTRAcel [zi:] after a few treatments, keep going with it. For further lifting, we suggest a complex treatment with thread lift, botulinum toxin lift, etc.
【For patients with minor sagging】
ULTRAcel [zi:] will improve and prevent sagging in a few sessions. If you like it, once every 3 to 6 months would be advisable. You can decide how often to have ULTRAcel [zi:] while combining it with other treatments.
Tips for sagging treatment with high satisfaction (13:12~)

At any degree of sagging, patients who continue with ULTRAcel[zi:] sessions are advised to combine it with other therapies with direct benefits, such as moles/blemishes removal to improve skin tone, or using botulinum toxin formulations to improve visible wrinkles.
As ULTRAcel [zi:] is a treatment that builds up its effectiveness over many sessions, it is possible that patients get bored and stop treatment. To avoid losing motivation, it is important to combine visibly-effective treatments. By adding other treatments, patients will be more likely to continue treatment if they themselves feel beautiful in a short period of time.
A patient who becomes more beautiful with each visit to the clinic will begin to be told by those around her that she has become more beautiful. If this information is spread by patients providing information, the clinic will have no trouble attracting customers.
Summary (14:57~)
Combining ULTRAcel[zi:] treatment with a treatment that provides direct visible results will change not only the sagging but also the overall impression of the face. By making the results easily visible, the client’s confidence in the clinic increases, leading to long-term continuation of treatment.